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Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System

Product Name: Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System


Click here to get Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


7-Month “Complete Your Book” Training Program

var mydate=new Date()
var theYear=mydate.getFullYear()
var day=mydate.getDay()
var month=mydate.getMonth()
var daym=mydate.getDate()
if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") document.write(dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+theYear)

Future Top-Earning Author:

When my agent, Jane,
submitted my first book to the publisher, she told me… 

expect to make a lot of money from your first book.”

face it — that is some serious green
for any author… and truth be known, I want to help you realize big pay-days like this, too.  

Here’s a copy of the check (sans
evidence of my fondling ).

was just one royalty check. 

I’ve received other big checks as a result of my writing.  

for advances, foreign rights and speaking engagements. Let me show you
more of what I’m talking about. 

an advance check on another book.

of my books have been published in other languages and I receive many
smaller foreign rights checks like these.

here’s one from Iceland (Yes,

I get checks like this all the time.  

of them are big and some of them are small… but
they keep rolling in for work I only did once when I wrote the books!

Things Were Not Always This Rosy

me tell you the story about how I started – and the rocky road I’ve
traveled to finally become the “over-night” success (ha) author…

story begins about twenty years ago when I became interested
in the topic of the book I was destined to write. 

see it was about this time in my life that I realized how many people
procrastinate — chronically, incessantly procrastinate. 

No big surprise there, right?

But Here’s The Shocking, 

Counter-Intuitive Thing I Discovered

…it wasn’t because they were

…it wasn’t because
they didn’t care…

it wasn’t because of a lot of
other things that
traditional wisdom taught us.

discovered that procrastination
was simply a habit
didn’t know how to

you imagine? A habit like smoking, or biting your fingernails.

I figured that
out, I really became fascinated with the topic and started to look for
books to help me research the subject deeper.

when I made my next baffling discovery….

ONE had
written a book about this particular angle.

“Unbelievable,” I thought. 

Confession #1
Warning: sordid, provocative confessions throughout…)

suppose I was so fascinated with that topic because I myself was the world’s worst
procrastinator and realized that my own issues derived
from the bad habits I let myself develop.  In other words, I
was very much driven by my own self motivations — I wanted to overcome my own

many years of wishing
would write a good book about this aspect of procrastination, I had a smack
yourself in the head moment.

Has that ever happened to you?

that split second, I decided
that I, Rita Emmett, Queen
of Procrastinators, would write that book.

like many procrastinators I was big on starting…
and not-so-much on finishing. 

probably been there. 

I dove right in with gusto
and poured
out everything I knew about
this topic into the start
of my first book…

I got a bunch of it done. But life – and a
divorce – got in the way and my “almost-finished” book on
procrastination SAT THERE……………for years.

Apropos for a
book on procrastination, don’t you think?

through much stress and strife, my life returned to an
even keel and I really
wanted to finish my book but I had no idea how to jump back into

there were no books, resources, or
coaches to help me get it

spent the next few
years “hit-and-miss” figuring it out on my own –I mean I
took classes, bought
subscribed to anything relevant to the topic, I even read every book I
could about writing.

you want to know the bottom line?  

time, effort, energy and dogged-determination…

it was plenty worth it too, even though I felt like I had to crawl
hand-and-knees over shards of broken glass to get it

But get this — my first book, The
Procrastinator’s Handbook, sold 100,000
copies in 14 months,
plus it was published in 32 countries
and was
selected for the Book of the Month Club
and it is still doing exceptionally well years after its initial
publication… that was the start of the BIG checks you see above.

I have even appeared with Katie
Couric with my book… 

it has been a great success by just about any author’s standards.
 But here’s the thing…

there was no
book, program or resource that explained what
I wanted to know — when
needed it — about how
to get started writing and finishing my book, or
finding a publisher or an agent…and how to stay
motivated… I
wasted a lot of time, energy and frankly…a lot of
those years. 

A total disconnect. Terrible.  

those frustrating years I felt worthless!

as an

mean I’m
reasonably smart…but
that didn’t get my book

knew my stuff…but
didn’t get
my book finished.

I had a book in my heart that I wanted to share with the
world…and I
know how to do it.

I thought,
there had to be a better way to get that book out of my head and onto

and I
found it but it took me many, many years of seminars,
classes, and bushels
of books most of which didn’t help…

But now I am a best-selling, high-income earning
author with many published books to my credit. 

Would you like to
know how I
did it?

because, I’ve put together the system for
you that I
wish I had found when I was writing my first book…

there is absolutely
no reason in this world for YOU
to go through what I
went through…

and do all
the “time-wasting”, “soul-sucking” things that made me feel lower than slug dung… and
still didn’t help me finish my first book…

don’t have to waste years
trying to figure it out
through what a friend of mine calls, 

and Terror!”

it truly is
terrifying trying to find your own lonely way through the
rat’s maze of
information that’s out there…and each
book or course is usually focused on only one
of the hundreds of aspects of the whole successful
author process. 

sadly, without real help you might not live
enough to get through it all (seriously)…or
might just drop out or give-up on the way to success. 

Not to laugh but it’s
happened to way
too many writers!  

by just about anyone’s standards my first book — once finally
completed — was a success. But…

wanted to do a second book but was terrified
(yes, even with all the
success of the first book) that I’d have to go through the
same gut-wrenching, kick-in-the-teeth, year-in and year-out, start and stop, and stop, and
stop, and stop again process as with the
first book.

just didn’t want to put myself through that again!

when I got a great idea.  

was the kind of idea where you feel like God parted the heavens and
flung a thought in the form of a lightening bolt straight into your

was the epiphany… take some time to carefully review all the things
that worked
when writing book one just to get myself ready to write
my book two, The
Procrastinating Child: A Handbook for Adults to Help Children Stop
Things Off. 

is, really analyze it and reconstruct every detail and nuance that
propelled me toward success with book one, The Procrastinator’s Handbook.

I did this I started to see patterns; and then a process; and then the
skeleton of a system appeared.

really was because at this point, I realized that it wasn’t going to
take me umpteen years to crank out book two!

I actually sat down and fleshed-out the system that
organized my book writing from start to

as they say, “the proof of the pie is in the eating of it.” 

thought my little system was going to work… but I really didn’t know.
 That is, not until I tried it…

faith and purpose, I dove in. 

found it exceedingly easy to be productive.

I did encounter a few ideas that needed to be adjusted along the way…
I did that and kept going. But…

want to know the results?

second book was done in
only six months!

first book took me upwards of 20 years to write and get to a publisher,
my second — only
one-half of one year! 

felt as though I found the Fountain
of Youth or Atlantis.

I was on to something, I wanted to try it again. 

tweaked my system a little more and started in on my third and most
recent book The
Clutter-Busting Handbook.

time the results were even faster!

finished The
Clutter-Busting Handbook – from
glimmer-of- an-idea to manuscript-in-the-mail-to-the-publisher in
a measly four months!

proved my system worked! 

No denying it… there was not going to be two flukes in a row!

Rita’s materials have really helped me get Navigating
the Journey of Aging Parents published. 

Specifically…getting an agent…
helping me to talk with publishers in my field and helping me
to ask for some very
specific benefits in my book contract that I
would have never known to ask for before. 

really knows her stuff. If Rita Emmett is behind a program that helps
authors to finish and publish their book then that’s the program to be

Navigating the Journey of Aging Parents

“…Rita’s information helped me to understand
about writing a query letter, finding an agent, and what to ask of a
publisher when I finally got one.  I’ve been so excited by the
all the information I’ve received that it has really helped move my
career along!  Thank you, Rita.”

Linda Brakeall

Author, Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Women in Business and How
To Get Men To Take You Seriously in Business and in Life.

“…Rita Emmett has been a genuine boon to my writing career… without any doubt Rita is one of the
nicest and most effective coaches in the business. You will be a better and more successful writer with Rita at your side. That is my guarantee.”

Conor Cunneen

Author, Why Ireland Never Invaded America

you are a frustrated writer or author, who finally wants to
turbo-charge your book completing

If you
need a system that will take you gently by the hand and help you put
together all the important pieces of the book finishing

If you’re
tired of looking for resources that will actually help YOU
get your book completed…

If you
want to see stellar results in record
time all laid out in a no-excuse, step-by-step system…

let me tell you about the exact resource you need to take you from
where you are now to a finished and published book.  I call my
system the…

Procrastinator’s Guide To
Authorship: A Step-By-Step, 7-Month Training
Program To Complete Your Book, Get It Published, and Start
Making BIG Money  

and it really is the ULTIMATE
get-it-done resource for frustrated authors and writers who really want

And to make it even easier for you…
I have broken the system down into nice bite-size chunks… SO  YOU’RE NEVER

remember I originally created this system for myself, and if
I can work it I KNOW
you can too.

we’re going to attack the problem so that it’s solved for the rest of your life. 

means that once you have it down, you can not only use this system for
your present book… but any book you want to write in the future.

Twice a month for over a
full half-year (7 months) you’ll receive an email with a
special download link for that step-by-step lesson. Included in
the lesson is an assignment for you to complete so you’ll make progress
every single lesson.

Ways To Keep Yourself Going — When Your Interest,
and Desire To
Write Have All Mysteriously Gone Missing!

To Play
(and WIN) the Publishing Game!

Secrets To Promote Your Book To A Best Seller

What’s The
Pay-Off When You Actually Finish Writing Your Book, Get It Published
And Sell Lots Of Them?”

Indulge me for a moment…
because here’s what happened to me…

making big bucks
having your dreams come true! 

yourself traveling to fantastic places and glorious luxury

that your spouse or partner is able to take an early retirement
so you
two can travel together!

having one shelf on your bookcase just
for foreign editions of
your book!

people thanking you for writing
book and sharing their stories in emails sent from the U.S., Italy, Japan, Spain, China, Sweden, the UK, Australia, Canada, Korea, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Ireland, Israel, Denmark, Turkey, Norway
and many other countries! 

receiving calls, letters and emails every single week from
telling you how much your book means to them – some
saying it changed
their lives!

answering your phone one day and a VP from a
luxury cruise
line, who read your book, asks if you want to give
two or three talks on a ship in exchange for a free cruise! 

then imagine
cruising free to Bermuda,
through the Panama Canal, along the west coast of Mexico, through the
Balkans, Russia
and Hawaii!



 More Proof From Other Real-Life Writers & Authors…JUST LIKE YOU

 More Proof From Other Real-Life Writers & Authors…JUST LIKE YOU

“…Rita gave me the confidence to finally stop procrastinating [after 8 years of writing my book] and helped me finsh and get the book to the publisher in 4-months.
That book, now in its third printing, not only changed my business life but my personal life as well.”

Cheryl Perlitz

Author, Soaring Through Setbacks

wondering if I just stopped my life to write my last two books so
– six
months for one and four months for the last one.

Stopping my life to
write a
book — for me that’s only a fantasy.

I did do some of the writing on those
cruises!  But it was only because I wanted to not
because I had to (big difference).

is a lovely part of my
life but it has to fit around
the rest of what I do. But I want you to realize that while I was
writing the last two books, I

of simply publishing this information in some ebook, book, manual or
quick coaching
program, I’m making it available to you week after week in action-sized
portions so you’ll actually get results.

don’t need another ebook to clutter up your computer
or more words to clutter up your brain.
What you need is a frequent “here’s what you do next”
action step to complete. What you need is for someone to show you how
to quickly get started and then keep
teaching you week after week so you don’t get stalled
along the way.

that’s exactly what I’m going to do when you join the Procrastinator’s
Guide to Authorship program.

As a
member you’ll receive …

2-5 Page Lesson twice a month For 7-Months 

In Downloadable .PDF Format

lesson is strategically created in such a way that you’ll see results
with the program…

Short And
Easy To Digest. Each lesson is only 2-5 pages in length and
contains nothing but “meat”. There is a very real problem these days
with “information overload” where the reader simply has too much
information to absorb. Each lesson is purposefully brief (but
thorough!) so you can quickly read it and put it into practice.

An Assignment To Complete. Every
lesson will give you an
assignment to complete at the close of the information. Instead of
giving you the usual “this is what I’ve done” stuff, I’m giving you
“this is what you do” stuff! Twice a month you’ll have some
easy-to- implement action step to complete before moving on.

Write As You Go. Every lesson builds as your book
gets written.
Early on we’ll discuss exactly what to do first, second, third. With my
system there won’t be any guesswork.   You’ll know exactly
what to
do and when to do it.

Forces You To Succeed Long-Term. While most books, manual
traditional membership sites (and even some high-priced coaching
programs) pile on a bunch of information and leave you to put it all
together for yourself, that isn’t how things are setup in this training
program. By giving you information in bite-sized portions for a half
year (7 full months!) you’ll be more likely to actually do something
the content … and you’ll be more likely to see real results for

Each lesson is designed to be “to the
point” and
immediately actionable.

first lesson is coming your way immediately upon completing your order.
Included in your first lesson…

You’ll get this
instantly after you join below. Everything you need to understand the
concept and get started is included in just a few short pages.

Want to
know the best part? Check this out –

No More Paying
Of Dollars …

Even If It Is In “4 Easy Payments”!

And, in
doing so, I’d make a lot of money. But, many good people
wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the offer simply because it wouldn’t
be in their budget.

I know. I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what
it’s like to be deep in credit card debt. I know what it’s like to sink
more and more money into empty promises. I know what it’s like to be
suckered into buying a high-priced item on an “easy” installment plan.
I’ve been there and I know. Trust me, I know.

It is
for that reason that I am not going to charge the thousands of dollars
that I could charge for this program. Instead, I’m going to make it a
no-brainer, and I’m going to make it downright affordable
for every budget.

Were you wondering about my guarantee?
 Well here it is….

sell these memberships
through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules
state that I’ve got to offer you a 60-day, money back guarantee. Even
if that wasn’t the rule, I’d STILL offer a money-back
I stand behind my materials completely and know you’ll
be completely thrilled with the content and, more importantly, the

for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime for the
next 60 days by simply emailing me or Clickbank if you are dissatisfied
for any reason.


Yes, Rita,
I want my 2-5 page bi-weekly lesson to smash through the obstacles
in my path so I can be the published,  profitable, successful
author I know I can be!  I
have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.


(Even if it’s 3:00 AM on a Saturday)

will receive an email twice a month with a download link for your
.PDF lesson.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its
potential. Please remember that each individual’s success
depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As
with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will
earn any money. There is no guarantee that you will be published. Further, you agree to all of the terms here.

I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it’s one of the most important benefits to finally finishing your book.

Once you have your book written … it’s evergreen! That means, long after you’ve moved on to other projects, your book could still be selling and you could be earning FAT royalty checks years after its been written!

Imagine this for just a moment –

Your book selling in bookstores, online, in foreign countries like Spain, France, Germany and even Iceland (Yes, my books do quite well in Iceland) all because of sales foreign language editions! The residual income is still coming in even though you’ve long since finished the book! As I like to say… this is “beauty-ous”!

If that doesn’t excite you, it’s probably time to take a part time job… because this ain’t for you.

But, if this does sound exactly like what you’re looking for, let’s get started right now.

All you need is to get writing! And that’s what this program is all about. You’ll love it… I guarantee you!

P.S. If you are still undecided about joining, Click Here.


Click here to get Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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